This live recording of Social Media Church podcast features a conversation with Jason Morris, Innovation and Technology Pastor, of Westside Family Church (Kansas City). We talk about how Westside made its decision for launching an online campus, what they’ve learned during the past 3 years of doing ministry online, how they’re innovating, and the 3 burning questions that every church has to (eventually) answer about doing church online.
Show Notes
Jason Morris – blog, Twitter @jasonandmaria, Facebook
Westside Family Church in Lenexa, Kansas, and its Online Campus, powered by the Church Online platform; Westside’s YouTube channel
#article Westside’s use of Google AdWords, $10k worth of ads for FREE to churches – Church Using Free Google Ads to Transform Internet Campus via Leadership Network
Christmas music on the outro: Saxaphone by Delton Hanley, Living Christmas Tree 2004 from Seaview Full Gospel Church (ht:’s list of Creative Commons Christmas Songs)
#raw #video live recording of this episode with DJ Chuang and Jason Morris
#podcast Social Media Church Episode 11, also with Jason Morris
#article Churches take to YouTube, Instagram to spread holiday gospel (Reuters, 12/16/13) ~ mentions Social Media Church podcast, Kenny Jahng (on Social Media Church episode #1) of Liquid Church and Jay Kranda (on Social Media Church episode #19) of Saddleback Church
#research Interview Transcript – Westside Family Church: Jason Morris and Brad Mann (pdf) — This interview was conducted in 2013 and features Brad Mann, the Speedway Campus Pastor, and Jason Morris, the Online Campus Pastor. Together, Mann and Morris have been instrumental partners in establishing Westside’s multi-site operations. Interview questions primarily focus upon the logistics of shifting an independent single-site church into a multi-site church, and how each of Westside Family’s current campuses function (including the Lansing Campus). The end of the interview focuses upon Morris and his role with the Online Campus–a new, if not cutting edge, approach to running a church in an age with incredible technological capabilities. [citation] Stratton, Emily., “Organic. Authentic. Relevant.(An Introduction to Church Planting in Kansas),” Religion in Kansas Project, accessed December 17, 2013,