Let’s give K.C. Procter a call on this episode of Social Media Church and hear how he does all that he does- a Dad, an Online Campus Pastor (at New Life Church in Renton WA), a podcaster (Dad Life Rules), and co-founder of publishing power-house ChurchMag Press. Listen to how their church started in social media, decided when it was time to launch an online campus, how having a fake parody account of a pastor was useful (instead of a letter for cease & desist), the most popular e-books at ChurchMag, and more! Sorry, we didn’t get to the inside scoop about Starbucks.
Show Notes
Connect with K.C. Procter at kcprocter.com + on Twitter @kcprocter + on Facebook fb.com/DadLifeRules
Listen + Subscribe to the Dad Life Rules podcast
New Life Church (Renton, WA) + its Online Campus + its 11 gatherings
ChurchMag Press ~ digital publishing arm of the ChurchMag church tech blog
#ebook Rethinking Your Church Website Strategy by Jonathan Malm
#ebook Social Media Handbook: Church Edition by ChurchMag Press Collaborative
#ebook The Essential Social Media Content Strategy Guide by KC Procter
Dave Travis is the Chief Encouragement Officer (CEO) of Leadership Network, a ministry organization that fosters innovation movements that activate THE CHURCH to greater impact for the Glory of God’s name. Dave has a unique vantage point of seeing how innovative churches are incorporating technology and social media in their ministry strategies, and that’s what we have a conversation about on this episode of Social Media Church podcast. Dave talks about what digital technologies opens up in terms of opportunities, how pastors and church leaders can adjust to the changing dynamics of social media, and more.
Show Notes
Connect with Dave Travis on Twitter @DaveTravis and on Facebook fb.com/davetravis
The Nines thenines.tv- a free online conference for church leaders; this year’s theme is “Culture Clash” about how the church will respond to our fast-changing culture
#article “Trolling For God: 5 Things You Can Learn From Westboro’s Social-Media Playbook: The church crushes it using the tools of Satan” by Helen A.S. Popkin (at ReadWrite.com, August 2014) [ed.note: the episode audio had incorrectly attributed this article to Mashable, it is actually ReadWrite #correction]
#syndication Social Media Church podcast at the Leadership Network blog