Dr. Verity Jones is Project Director of the New Media Project, founded in 2010 to help religious leaders think theologically about digital technology. Listen to an excerpt from their February 2013 conference, Digital Church: Theology and New Media, with best ideas for social media from Nadia Bolz-Weber (House for All Sinners and Saints), Eugene Cho (Quest Church), and Tony Lee (Community of Hope AME Church). Sound bite: “Churches and church pastors are just going to be in the mixed media business for a long time…”
Show Notes for this episode of the Social Media Church podcast
Browse the growing number of thoughtful resources at the New Media Project <cpx.cts.edu/newmedia> and connect on Twitter@NewMediaAtCTS and Facebook facebook.com/NewMediaProjectAtCTS
Connect with Dr. Verity Jones on Twitter @verityjones
Conference videos – Digital Church: Theology and New Media (February 2013)
#article Thinking Theologically About Social Media (by Verity Jones, in Huffington Post 6/2012)
#blog #series Youth ministry and social media, Celebration and social media, Prayer and social media, Social justice and social media
In 2011, the New Media Project research fellows conducted case studies of 6 innovative projects in digital communication based in congregations, religious institutions, or para-church organizations. The 6 case study subjects are: