Dave Bourgeois is Associate Professor of Information Systems in the Crowell School of Business at Biola University and author of the book, Ministry in the Digital Age. On this episode of Social Media Church, we talk about how social media is changing the college campus, what is a post-website world, why there are so few resources for church leaders about social media, and more.
Show Notes
Connect with Dave Bourgeois @davebourgeois on Twitter + his website ministryinthedigitalage.com
#conference bioladigital.com – biola.digital conference June 3-5, 2014 @ Biola University in La Mirada, California – early registration deadline is 4/30 – “designed to empower individuals with the vision, knowledge, and relationships necessary to be thoughtful stewards of digital technologies for the cause of Christ”
#videos Watch the 2013 Biola Digital Ministry Conference on Open Biola – The Disruptive Nature of Digital
#book Ministry in the Digital Age: Strategies and Best Practices for a Post-Website World by Dave Bourgeois. This quote is an excerpt from the book’s introduction: