This episode of the Social Media Church podcast features Darrel Girardier, Digital Strategy Director for Brentwood Baptist Church(Nashville, Tennessee). Darrel was previously a Creative Director at LifeWay Christian Resources. And we talk with Darrel about his experience in doing social media effectively for and with those organizations, his value for blogging, and what he’s working on next.
Show Notes
Connect with Darrel Girardier at @dgirardier on Twitter and his blog
#article What I’ve Learned In the Last Four Months of Blogging (by Darrel Girardier)
Other great articles by Darrel: How To Create a Church Social Media Policy and Not Hamper Your Staff, An Open Letter to Pastors About Social Media, Why Your Church Should Use a Social Media Content Calendar
#article Not Tweeting? Repent! Ed Stetzer on why ignoring social media is no longer an option for church leaders. (Leadership Journal, Summer 2013)
#article Getting Started in Social Media: A How-To for Pastors and Ministry Leaders by Ed Stetzer
#bonus Shout out to Trina Lee @TrinaKLee