‘Twas the night before Christmas and I had some extra time during holiday vacation to launch a Christian Podcast Directory. Yes, consider it my Christmas gift for you listeners of the Social Media Church podcast.
I squeezed in recording this shorter episode while in transit during holiday travels, so it’s kinda like a soundseeing tour, except where I was going had nothing to do with the topic of this episode.
Thanks for sharing a few holiday minutes with me, and I hope to be having more good conversations here in the new year! Call our listener voicemail # 949-354-3216 and leave a message to join the conversation!
Show Notes
Church Podcast Directory – just launched for Christmas 2013 #MerryChristmas- intentionally only listing podcasts that are produced specifically for a podcast listening audience, not for sermons or syndication of radio or TV shows (because podcasting is better for on-going conversations than one-way broadcasting)
#article Can The Church and Social Media Exist Together by Jason Curlee
Connect with Jason Curlee on Twitter @jasoncurlee + his blog jasoncurlee.me
Intro + Outro music courtesy of Gene Gajewski via Soundcloud: O Tannenbaum, Christmas Is Coming