
Social Media Church Podcast

Social Media Church is a podcast for conversations with church leaders about social media, website strategy, and online trends.
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Social Media Church Podcast














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Now displaying: 2013
Dec 25, 2013

‘Twas the night before Christmas and I had some extra time during holiday vacation to launch a Christian Podcast Directory. Yes, consider it my Christmas gift for you listeners of the Social Media Church podcast.

I squeezed in recording this shorter episode while in transit during holiday travels, so it’s kinda like a soundseeing tour, except where I was going had nothing to do with the topic of this episode.

Thanks for sharing a few holiday minutes with me, and I hope to be having more good conversations here in the new year! Call our listener voicemail # 949-354-3216 and leave a message to join the conversation!

Show Notes

Church Podcast Directory – just launched for Christmas 2013 #MerryChristmas- intentionally only listing podcasts that are produced specifically for a podcast listening audience, not for sermons or syndication of radio or TV shows (because podcasting is better for on-going conversations than one-way broadcasting)

#article Can The Church and Social Media Exist Together by Jason Curlee

Connect with Jason Curlee on Twitter @jasoncurlee + his blog

Intro + Outro music courtesy of Gene Gajewski via Soundcloud: O TannenbaumChristmas Is Coming

Dec 17, 2013

This live recording of Social Media Church podcast features a conversation with Jason Morris, Innovation and Technology Pastor, of Westside Family Church (Kansas City). We talk about how Westside made its decision for launching an online campus, what they’ve learned during the past 3 years of doing ministry online, how they’re innovating, and the 3 burning questions that every church has to (eventually) answer about doing church online.

Show Notes

Jason Morris – blog, Twitter @jasonandmaria, Facebook

Westside Family Church in Lenexa, Kansas, and its Online Campus, powered by the Church Online platform; Westside’s YouTube channel

#article Westside’s use of Google AdWords, $10k worth of ads for FREE to churches – Church Using Free Google Ads to Transform Internet Campus via Leadership Network

Christmas music on the outro: Saxaphone by Delton Hanley, Living Christmas Tree 2004 from  Seaview Full Gospel Church (ht:’s list of Creative Commons Christmas Songs)

#raw #video live recording of this episode with DJ Chuang and Jason Morris

#podcast Social Media Church Episode 11, also with Jason Morris

#article Churches take to YouTube, Instagram to spread holiday gospel (Reuters, 12/16/13) ~ mentions Social Media Church podcast, Kenny Jahng (on Social Media Church episode #1) of Liquid Church and Jay Kranda (on Social Media Church episode #19) of Saddleback Church

#research Interview Transcript – Westside Family Church: Jason Morris and Brad Mann (pdf) —  This interview was conducted in 2013 and features Brad Mann, the Speedway Campus Pastor, and Jason Morris, the Online Campus Pastor.  Together, Mann and Morris have been instrumental partners in establishing Westside’s multi-site operations.  Interview questions primarily focus upon the logistics of shifting an independent single-site church into a multi-site church, and how each of Westside Family’s current campuses function (including the Lansing Campus).  The end of the interview focuses upon Morris and his role with the Online Campus–a new, if not cutting edge, approach to running a church in an age with incredible technological capabilities. [citation] Stratton, Emily., “Organic. Authentic. Relevant.(An Introduction to Church Planting in Kansas),” Religion in Kansas Project, accessed December 17, 2013,

Dec 3, 2013

This episode of Social Media Church features a conversation with Dusty Craig, the Lead Pastor of WC Online. WC Online is the online campus for White’s Chapel UMC (Southlake, TX). We talk about how the church decided to launch its online campus, hear about their strategy, what they’ve learned during the past few years, and discuss the timely topic of the UMC moratorium of online sacraments, since they’re 1 of 3 United Methodist churches that run an Online Campus, with the 4th one being Central United Methodist Church (Concord, NC) that’ll launch end of this year. There are certainly other UMC’s with livestream video of their worship services, and if there are other UMC’s with Online Campuses, please do let us know + add a comment here. Oh, I did find one more: Engage Online, an online campus ofNorth Naples United Methodist Church in Florida.

Show Notes

Connect with Dusty Craig on Twitter @dustycraig and his blog
WC Online + on Facebook

White’s Chapel UMC on Facebook + on Pinterest

Moratorium, study urged on online communion and Should churches offer Holy Communion online? (UMNS)

#article COB and Wall Street Journal take on online communion (The United Methodist Reporter)

#article Church’s Online Communion: Sacrament or Sacrilege? North Carolina Church’s Virtual Plans Run Afoul of the United Methodist Hierarchy (Wall Street Journal 11/15/13)

#article Online Communion? Methodist Church Debates Offering Virtual Service (Huffington Post, via RNS’s “Can online Communion be a substitute for the real thing?”)

What About Online Church Communion? ( – #video of Eric Dye and Kenny Jahng talking about Online Church Communion

Drone Communion actually solves the problems with Online Communion (

Online Communion is “For Real” (URLoved)

Online Communion: Is It Cutting-Edge or Heretical? (Phil Cooke)

Cyber Worship and Online Communion” (The Outlaw Monk, a Lutheran member’s perspective on this matter

Book Review: The Churching of America 1776—2005: Winners and Losers in Our Religious Economy by Roger Finke and Rodney Stark (2005)

“Churches grew in the early years of the country due to the aggressive and tireless work of fervent devotees. Examples of this would include the rise of Methodism and the Baptists through itinerant preachers, revival meetings, camp meetings, tent meetings, public prayer meetings and interior missions groups. This was truly an evangelistic effort focused on winning souls for Christ and it had an enormous impact on the landscape of the society.”

#podcast A Blast from the Past — Methocast with Leo Laporte (Jay Voorhees)

Nov 19, 2013

David Housholder is a Lutheran pastor at Robinwood Church in Huntington Beach, California, and on this episode of the Social Media Church podcast, host DJ Chuang sat down with David to talk about how his church has strengthen relationships through a Facebook group, how social media is changing the organization and institution of the church, and more.

Show Notes

Connect with David Housholder on Twitter @LibertyHous + at + his Life & Liberty podcast

Blackberry Bush – online course designed to serve the evangelism and discipleship of normal-sized churches

Think Digital Academy, an online course for organizations to learn how to effectively use social media, by Justin Wise, who was on Social Media Church episode #33

Nov 4, 2013

Dr. Lawrence Terlizzese is a research associate with Probe Ministries. Dr. Terlizzese’s recent commentary on the social media revolution gives us insights on how we communicate today and the contrast from traditional media. Thanks to Probe Ministries for permission to post the audio commentary on this Social Media Church podcast episode.

Show Notes

#article The Church and the Social Media Revolution by Dr. Lawrence Terlizzese

Probe Ministries produces content and programs “to integrate faith and learning through balanced, biblically based scholarship, training people to love God by renewing their minds and equipping the Church to engage the world for Christ.”

Connect with Probe Ministries on Twitter @ProbeMinistries and on Facebook

Oct 21, 2013

DJ Chuang, host of the Social Media Church podcast, checks-in with listeners after catching the tail-end of the iMinistry 2013 conference, held at Lake Pointe Church near Dallas, Texas. I introduce the idea of innovating without a budget and describe how this podcast is an example of running a project with $0 operating costs. Reimagine what you and/or your church could accomplish if money didn’t matter.

Show Notes

This is a roster of people who were at iMinistry 2013 and were featured on past episodes of Social Media Church (I hope I didn’t miss anyone):

Cognitive Surplus: The Great Spare-Time Revolution (Wired, June 2010)

#video Clay Shirky: How cognitive surplus will change the world – Clay Shirky looks at “cognitive surplus” — the shared, online work we do with our spare brain cycles. While we’re busy editing Wikipedia, posting to Ushahidi (and yes, making LOLcats), we’re building a better, more cooperative world.

Get a free account at to upload your audio file submissions as a guest host of Social Media Church podcast – our email

Oct 3, 2013

Josh Turansky is Director of Online Strategies for and an Assistant Pastor at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa (California). Josh spoke at the Calvary Chapel Senior Pastor’s Conference 2012 and shared some keen insights about Calvary Chapel as a movement and tribe along with how to pastorally engage on social media. He addresses the most common concerns and makes the case for engaging the culture through new technology. Special thanks to Josh Turansky for permission to excerpt the audio of his presentation.

To skip the introductory statistics and go right to the meat of Josh’s presentation, fast forward to 25:40.

This Social Media Church podcast episode is perfect for pastors you know that need encouragement and motivation to get on and/or stay actively engaged on social media. Start with the why, it’s the first step, and this episode is it. So share this podcast generously and freely. Freely share as you have freely received.

Show Notes

Connect with Josh Turansky via Twitter @JoshTuransky and his website

#presentation Social Media and the Church (PDF) – slides by Josh Turansky

#video Social Media and the Church – presentation by Josh Turansky

#article 9 Ways to Keep Up with Calvary Chapel News – how Josh stays connected with what’s going on

An Open Letter to Pastors About Social Media (Darrel Girardier)

An Open Letter to Pastors About the Dangers of Using Social Media (Bruce Reyes-Chow) and a response from David Hansen: Get Out of the Garage

Getting Started in Social Media: A How-To for Pastors and Ministry Leaders by Ed Stetzer

#article 7 Things Every Pastor Should Do Every Week on Social Media (Rich Birch,

#article 5 Reasons It’s More Important for Pastors to Use Social Media Than Churches (Rich Birch,

#article Why Pastors Should Use Social Media (Chad Graves of Pauline Baptist Church)

#video Should pastors use social media? – Excerpt from an episode of The Exchange, where Ed Stetzer talks with Thom Rainer, president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources; full episode with Thom Rainer on Leadership

#article Chuck Smith, 86, Dies After Cancer Battle: Renowned California pastor founded Calvary Chapel movement. (Christianity Today)

#article Chuck Smith Has Died: Some Thoughts on the Amazing Life of Chuck and the Improbable Story of Calvary Chapel in Memoriam by Ed Stetzer

Sep 24, 2013

The Internet as we know it will be history and exciting changes are coming in the next 2 years. An estimated 700+ top-level domains (TLD) will be launching, like .SHOP, .WEB, .HOTEL, .MENU, and many many more.

One TLD of particular interest is .BIBLE, and when that launches, people could get domain names like PREACHING.BIBLE, STUDY.BIBLE or SOCIALMEDIA.BIBLE. Full disclosure: I, DJ Chuang, work with American Bible Society and the .BIBLE Registry.


On this episode of Social Media Church, I’ve invited 2 key members of the .BIBLE Registry launch team from theAmerican Bible SocietyJohn Mark Mitchell (Director of Digital Innovation) and Scott Wennermark (Director, Strategic Advancement) to share the back story of how this came about, how the Internet will be changed forever, answer commonly-asked questions, and how you can participate in this opportunity to shape the future of the Internet. (Note: John Mark Mitchell had a new title change soon after post-production.)

Show Notes

Pre-register .BIBLE domain names for free and with no obligation at

Sign-up for the free email newsletter to stay informed about the .BIBLE launch

Like the Facebook page for Bible TLD at

#video What is .BIBLE? (explained in 2 minutes)

#article Washington Post on New gTLD’s: Com Was The Training Wheels For The Internet: Move aside .com

#article Newly OK’d domains make .com look so 1999 – website explaining how 100s of new domains are about to transform the web – the future of Internet – the Web’s New Neighborhoods

ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) – the organization that coordinates the infrastructure that runs the worldwide Internet


Sep 18, 2013

Mark MacDonald is Creative Brand Strategist at and soon-to-be Communications Director at Community of Faith near Houston, Texas. Mark explains on Social Media Church why church communications is so important and essential, what makes it challenging, the back story behind the world’s biggest Easter Egg Hunt, how to take the sting out of loaded words like “entertainment” and “marketing,” and how social media is so broad too. Also an overview of how the Certification Lab they’re launching next month will help churches become well-equipped for communicating effectively. The topic of church communication is so large, and we only touched on a bit of social media, but we did get into the essence of communication, that is, identifying the essence and unique distinction of your church community. And then church communications is using your creativity, how to communicate so it gets remembered, and the role of leadership.

Show Notes

Connect with Mark MacDonald on Twitter @markmac1023 and at

Certification Lab is 2-day intensive on church communications, hosted by the Center for Church Communications, better known for its Church Marketing Sucks blog. October 14-15, 2013 in Nashville, Tennessee. Listen to this episode for a special code to get $50 off!

#article Mark MacDonald: Overwhelmed Communicators (

Sep 13, 2013

Shamichael Hallman of New Direction Christian Church (Memphis, Tennessee) talks about his role as a Pastor of Innovation there, and how they’re leveraging social media, online, and mobile app. And listen for the most valuable piece in the conversation where he explains what they did that really helped their online giving skyrocketed. Money has a way of getting all our attention, doesn’t it?

Show Notes for this podcast episode of Social Media Church

Connect with Shamichael Hallman on Twitter @shamike2009 and Facebook

#video Man credits virtual church for miraculous recovery (WMC-TV News)

New Direction Christian Church on Twitter @NDCCMemphis and its Virtual Church is at

#list Churches with Pastors of Innovation curated by DJ Chuang

#raw video of my Google+ Hangout on Air conversation with Shamichael Hallman

iMinistry 2013 – internet ministry conference in Dallas Texas on October 15-17, 2013 [listen to episode 47 with Nate Merrill for special discount code]

Code for the Kingdom hackathon – next one is Austin, Texas, October 25-27, 2013

#bridgebuildingchat twitter chat

#video How do you have a conversation across culture and race?

Connect with Tim Samuel on Twitter @TimSamuelCFO

Sep 3, 2013

Dr. Verity Jones is Project Director of the New Media Project, founded in 2010 to help religious leaders think theologically about digital technology. Listen to an excerpt from their February 2013 conference, Digital Church: Theology and New Media, with best ideas for social media from Nadia Bolz-Weber (House for All Sinners and Saints), Eugene Cho (Quest Church), and Tony Lee (Community of Hope AME Church). Sound bite: “Churches and church pastors are just going to be in the mixed media business for a long time…”

Show Notes for this episode of the Social Media Church podcast

Browse the growing number of thoughtful resources at the New Media Project <> and connect on Twitter@NewMediaAtCTS and Facebook

Connect with Dr. Verity Jones on Twitter @verityjones

Conference videos – Digital Church: Theology and New Media (February 2013)

#article Thinking Theologically About Social Media (by Verity Jones, in Huffington Post 6/2012)

#blog #series Youth ministry and social mediaCelebration and social mediaPrayer and social mediaSocial justice and social media

In 2011, the New Media Project research fellows conducted case studies of 6 innovative projects in digital communication based in congregations, religious institutions, or para-church organizations. The 6 case study subjects are:

Aug 27, 2013

This episode of the Social Media Church podcast features Darrel Girardier, Digital Strategy Director for Brentwood Baptist Church(Nashville, Tennessee). Darrel was previously a Creative Director at LifeWay Christian Resources. And we talk with Darrel about his experience in doing social media effectively for and with those organizations, his value for blogging, and what he’s working on next.

Show Notes

Connect with Darrel Girardier at @dgirardier on Twitter and his blog

#article What I’ve Learned In the Last Four Months of Blogging (by Darrel Girardier)

Other great articles by Darrel: How To Create a Church Social Media Policy and Not Hamper Your StaffAn Open Letter to Pastors About Social MediaWhy Your Church Should Use a Social Media Content Calendar

#article Not Tweeting? Repent! Ed Stetzer on why ignoring social media is no longer an option for church leaders. (Leadership Journal, Summer 2013)

#article Getting Started in Social Media: A How-To for Pastors and Ministry Leaders by Ed Stetzer

#bonus Shout out to Trina Lee @TrinaKLee

Aug 19, 2013
August 19, 2013

On this episode of Social Media Church, you’ll hear a conversation with Pastor Neil Franks, who is known as the 2-Minute Pastor, a video devotional app on mobile phones (Android and iOS). Pastor Franks is also the Lead Pastor of First Baptist Church of Branson, Missouri. From all indicators, this is the only 2-minute video devotional app of its kind. Hear the back story of how this idea came about, how long it took to build the app, and the kind of impact it’s already had in less than 6 months of launch!

Show Notes

Connect with Neil Franks at and on Twitter @2minutepastor

Download the 2 Minute Pastor app (free) for iOS and Android

#article ‘2-Minute Pastor’ Takes Daily Devotionals to High Tech Land of Video App (The Christian Post)

#video June 5 Devotional: Our Life Is A Sermon (audio featured in this Social Media Church episode) – mobile app maker (this is the technology used to build the app)

Aug 5, 2013

This Social Media Church episode features a conversation with Corrin Bauer, Online Communications Manager (aka Social Media Manager) at Mars Hill Church (Seattle, Washington), a multi-site church (currently) with 14 campuses in 4 states, with 2 more campuses and 1 more state coming soon. She manages the social media for @marshill @theresurgence & @pastormark as well as the church. Mars Hill is the only church I know of that uploads sermon previews on YouTube, sorta like movie trailers, not just sermon series promo videos.

Show Notes

Connect with Corrin Bauer on Twitter @corrinbauer + on Facebook

#article Top 5 Churches That Use Social Media Best: CP’s List of Places of Worship That Have a Successful Digital Strategy (The Christian Post 6/07/13)

Mars Hill Church on YouTube, on Facebook, on, on Pinterest, on Tumblr, on Google+

#crowdsourcedsermons Mars Hill Church’s sermon series: Religion Saves based on Ask Anything (final stats: 893 questions asked  |  5,524 comments made  |  343,203 votes cast)

#socialnetwork The City – “a group-oriented social network that helps everyone in your church stay engaged in daily life and ministry” + read about the vision behind The City

(ambient Seattle sounds courtesy of Lenguaverd @ freesound)

Jul 23, 2013

What is it like to unplug? To stay offline, not just giving it up for Lent, but for a whole year? On this episode of Social Media Church, Clement Wen talks with me over lunch (thus the ambient noise) and describes how he did youth ministry without Facebook. Clement is Youth Minister at Chinese Bible Church of Maryland (in Rockville). This episode also includes an excerpt from Clement’s sermon where he described the things he learned from being disconnected from Facebook for a year, and even how that experience showed him an insight about the heart of God.

Show Notes

Connect with Clement Wen on Facebook

#article The Top 5 Regrets of The Dying (Storyline blog, 12/19/12)

#statistics The Rise of the @Pastor (Barna Group, June 2013)

#article NJ pastor orders church workers to stay off Facebook (11/29/10)

Jul 13, 2013

Started off this episode of Social Media Church with a conversation that sparked my preliminary thinking about 4 levels of social media engagement, for which I’d love your feedback. And the featured guest conversation is with Jan Lynn, Communication Director atEastside Christian Church in Anaheim, California (previously in Fullerton) and a long-time blogger–she started back in 2005. We talk about the old days of blogging, the changes that social media has brought, developing an organizational voice for a church, creative use of images and videos, and more.

Show Notes

Connect with Jan Lynn on Twitter @jan_lynn and her blog

#video of the @Eastside_CC 50 years of history in a Facebook timeline look

Connect with Van Baird on Twitter @VanBaird and Relational Equity

#podcast Church Tech Weekly with Mike Sessler @MikeSessler and Van Metschke @TheSoundBooth


Jul 5, 2013

Andrew Hansen is the Creative Arts Director (and also Communications Director) at South Hills Church in Corona, California. He talks with Social Media Church about creative use of videos, legal matters about social media and churches, top learnings from his studies onIntegrated Marketing Communications at West Virginia University Online, and the unique culture of South Hills Church.

Show Notes

Connect with Andrew Hansen on Twitter @andrewkhansen and his blog

blog series on Emerging Media, included topics like Church Social StrategyLegal Issues, and Measures of Intent

YouTube channel of South Hills Church

#video Like a Christian

#video an unconventional lesson in punctuation

#video South Hills Church- The First 10 Years

Jun 25, 2013

Summer Joy Boone is Director of Assimilation and Social Media at Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, Florida. We had such a fun conversation for this episode of Social Media Church podcast, covering all kinds of topics, including: going from social business marketing to church communications, fostering transparency, why having a social media policy is important, using a winning combo of Instagram + Twitter + Facebook, value of the call to action, only posting content worthy of sharing, weaving together the online with the offline, giving people something to talk about, managing time usage on social media, what’s great about a church that’s social, and so much more!

Apologies for the less-than-optimal sound quality tarnished by ambient background noise on my side and the occasional artifacts from internet bandwidth hiccups of a cross-country conversation spanning 3,000+ miles. And, please forgive me for misspeaking the name of the church during this episode.


Show Notes

Connect with Summer Boone @summerjoy on Twitter and her blog

#news Instagram saw 5M videos uploaded in the first 24 hours after debut (Gigaom 6/21/13)

#oped Let the Instagram vs. Vine Video Battle Begin (Greg Jarboe @ Search Engine Watch 6/25/13)

#oped Instagram Video vs. Vine – Head-to-Head Comparison (Tom Richardson @ Redmond Pie 6/23/13)

#oped Instagram vs. Vine: Battle of the short-form video-sharing apps (Jaymar Cabebe @ CNET 6/20/13)

#video My thoughts on Vine vs. Instagram Video (Gary Vaynerchuk 6/20/13)

#utility Auphonic – audio post production web service

Jun 14, 2013

Social Media Church podcast celebrates its 50th episode with a special guest, Jia Jiang, in Austin, Texas. Jia has a viral video with over 5 million views and is an active lay church leader. This episode is a lively conversation reviewing the first year of Social Media Church podcasting, a recent article listing the top 5 social media churches, and things befitting of a milestone. Would love your feedback for the next 50! Add a comment below.

Show Notes

Connect with Jia Jiang on Twitter @JiaJiang + his blog

#video Rejection Therapy Day 3 – Ask for Olympic Symbol Doughnuts. Jackie at Krispy Kreme Delivers!

#backstory about Jia’s 100 Days of Rejection Therapy

Jia Jiang’s TEDx talks: Surprising Insights from 100 Days of Rejection (TEDxAustin), Rejection or regret? Your choice (TEDxYouth@Austin),What is inspiration? (TEDxDuke)

#article Top 5 Churches That Use Social Media Best: CP’s List of Places of Worship That Have a Successful Digital Strategy (The Christian Post 6/07/13)

Top 5 list of social media churches, in alphabetical order:

[++ denotes multiple locations, aka a multisite church]

#article Church leaders need viral social media #chsocm

#oldviralvideos funny jesus videos 1-4 via

Jun 4, 2013

The featured guest on this episode of Social Media Church is Bryan Baker, Pastor of Big Timber Evangelical Church in Montana. He’s a pastor of a normal-sized church in a small town somewhere in Big Sky country, and we chat about how he introduced his church to social media – including website, Facebook page, and Facebook Ads.

Show Notes

Connect with Bryan Baker on Twitter @BryanBaker_ and his blog

Like the Big Timber Evangelical Church’s Facebook Page

#article How Small Churches Can Use Facebook for Ministry?

May 28, 2013

Social Media Church features this conversation with Judith Gotwald about the story behind this article about her church, “How Social Media Saved Our Church” (posted 4/18/13 @ Within 2 years of getting online to actively use social media, their church has seen worldwide impact far beyond the previous ministry efforts in a physical church building.

Show Notes

Connect with Judith Gotwald on Twitter @jigotwald + her church 2×2 The Church Without a Building + at her website

#article The Social Media Revolution (or Reformation?) (5/6/2013)

#article Overcoming the fear of Social Media (2/09/2013)

The Social Media Ministry page at has practical tips like 9 Reasons to Start A Social Media Ministry Committee, Social Media Can Help Your Church Make a Good First Impression, Forming a Social Media Ministry Committee, Finding Content for Your Church Blog, Getting Pastors Onboard with Social Media, Budgeting for Social Media Ministry, and more.

#alternative #article Technology won’t resurrect dead churches (The Baptist Standard, 5/02/2013)

May 21, 2013

This episode of Social Media Church features a conversation with Nate Merrill, Associate Pastor of the Internet Campus for Lake Pointe Church (Rockwall, Texas) and the official location of iMinistry 2012 and iMinistry 2013. Listen to Nate Merrill share the back story of why Lake Pointe Church started its Internet Campus, what kind of results they’re seeing, and some of the great learnings from last year’s iMinistry gathering and what’s coming this year! (Be sure to listen closely for the special discount code for $50 off!)

Show Notes

Connect with Nate Merrill on Twitter @TheNateMerrill

#event iMinistry 2013 – October 15-17, 2013 – the most unique nationwide gathering to discuss Internet Ministry and Church Online

#webinar Top 3 Tech Trends Impacting the Church via @leadnet

#news The Table has been aquired by Gateway Church (video) and Press Release – A Technology Tool That Can Revolutionize Churches Worldwide: Gateway Church Acquires The Table Project

#episode Jason Morris of Westside Family Church was on Episode 11 of Social Media Church (Nate mentioned how Jason makes volunteering fun)

May 12, 2013

Social Media Church features a conversation with Oscar Soto, the Online Campus Pastor of Christ Fellowship (Palm Beach Gardens, Florida). We take an insider look at how Christ Fellowship reaches as many people online as they do offline, how they do 16 online services every week, online training, translating messages into American Sign Language (ASL) for online ministry to deaf, and more!

Show Notes

Connect with Oscar Soto on Twitter @OscarSotoJr and on Facebook at; on Christ Fellowship’s Online Campus at

#article Click ‘Pray’ to Pray: How Evangelical Megapastor Joel Osteen Is Saving Souls With Facebook (Huffington Post, 5/9/13)

#webinar Sign up for the free Leadership Network webinar, “Top 3 Tech Trends Impacting the Church” – Thursday May 16th (2:00pm ET/ 11:00am PT) with a panel of thought leaders from GoogleMonkDevSocial Media Church, and Menlo Park Presbyterian Church to discuss the trends of Social Media Engagement, Mobile Implementation, and Crowd Mobilization.

Beyond Digital Initiative of Leadership Network – The two primary components of the Beyond Digital initiative are the Beyond Digital Leadership Community and the Leadership Network Hackathons.  The Beyond Digital Leadership Community is a two-year, peer-centered learning community that brings together innovative church leaders who place a high strategic value on digital tools, tactics, and spaces for accomplishing their church’s mission.  These are churches that have “gone digital” to a high degree, but also recognize that having an app or an internet campus isn’t the extent of their digital reach.  The result of the Beyond Digital Leadership Community will be the deployment of the most innovative digital tools of our time for the accomplishment of the timeless mission of the Church. Code for the Kingdom, Leadership Network’s Hackathons, will involve a series of creative contests designed to help churches engage and release the information technology innovation of the general public, without constraints of geographies, church membership, and cultures, to produce solutions that will advance the Kingdom.

May 7, 2013

His episode of Social Media Church features a conversation with John Dyer, author of From the Garden to the City: The Redeeming and Corrupting Power of Technology. John is also the Executive Director of Communications and Educational Technology at Dallas Theological Seminary. We talk about a biblical perspective on technology, how technology is being incorporated in the seminary classroom, online education, which social media to use, and a possible future with wearable technologies like Google Glass.

Show Notes

John Dyer blogs at and is on Twitter @JohnDyer

#book From the Garden to the City: The Redeeming and Corrupting Power of Technology by John Dyer

#episode How Technology Will Affect Your Ministry: Episode 44 – John Dyer’s presentation at DTS Chapel

#video watch the raw video of this conversation with John Dyer and DJ Chuang

Apr 30, 2013

This episode of Social Media Church features a caller’s comment, commentary, and presentation. You can listen to the episode for the comment and commentary. And, the presentation “9 Ministry Issues You’ll Face with Technology” is an audio excerpt of a Chapel message by John Dyer, courtesy of Dallas Theological Seminary – used by permission. John Dyer is the Executive Director of Communications and Educational Technology at Dallas Theological Seminary. John is also the author of the thought-provoking book, From the Garden to the City: The Redeeming and Corrupting Power of Technology.

Show Notes

Arman Sheffey is an Associate Pastor at Torch Church (Round Lake Beach, IL); connect with him on Twitter @ArmanSheffey

Tim Keller blogs at about Love, Sex and Dating in a Post-Christian World; connect with him on Twitter @TimothyKellerand Samantha Keller blogs at

#blog #post Textamacy – How Social Media is Accelerating Relational Intimacy

John Dyer blogs at and is on Twitter @JohnDyer

#presentation 9 Ways Technology Will Impact Your Future Ministry (3/6/2013 at DTS Chapel)

#presentation Thinking Theologically About Technology and Culture (3/5/2013 at DTS Chapel)

#book From the Garden to the City: The Redeeming and Corrupting Power of Technology by John Dyer

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